"Help, my baby is teething"

"Help, mijn baby krijgt tandjes"

Your child is starting to teeth. In your child's tears you feel their pain but you are powerless. Do you recognize that feeling? You want to help so much but don't know if you can help or where to start even.

After reading this article, no more! Here are some concrete tips that you can use to ease your child's pain. Curious? Read on quick!


Toothache: how, what, when?

A baby usually starts teething between 6 and 12 months after birth. But there are exceptions: the first tooth can come as early as 3 months or can only come through after 18 months. Every child is different!

When the teeth come through, your baby will experience quite a bit of discomfort. This can range from painful and swollen gums to even a mild fever. Other symptoms may include restless and tearful behavior, drooling more than usual, poor sleep and/or less appetite. Again, this differs for every child, so take a good look at what burdens your child experiences.

Unfortunately, there is no magic solution for all the ailments that come with teething. It is an uncomfortable period you have to go through with your child. But that doesn't mean you can't make the pain lighter, on the contrary! Below you will find 5 tips that can help you with that.

Important sidenote: Every child is different and not every tip works for every child. Try out different tips and see which one is best for your child, so you get the best result!


Tip 1: Wet towel

Take a small towel or washcloth, wet it and wring it out. Put it in the freezer for a while, ten minutes is enough. Then tie it to a baby-proof wooden or silicone ring. This way your baby can easily hold the cloth by the ring and suck on the wet and cold towel. This provides cooling.


Tip 2: Silicone teething ring

Just like the washcloth, you can also put an all-silicone teething ring in the freezer. The material of the ring, silicone aka natural rubber, is baby-proof and suitable for cooling. Fifteen minutes in the freezer is sufficient so that the ring can cool the gums down while sucking on it.

Do you want to try this tip? Our teething ring Milo is perfect for this! Shop it here .


Tip 3: Gentle massage

Gently massage the area where the tooth is coming through. You can do this with your finger or the convex side of a small spoon. Due to the light pressure during the massage you relieve the toothache.


Tip 4: Fruit feeder

You can put frozen breast milk or frozen solid food (such as fruit) in a fruit feeder, which the baby can then suck on. The feeder has similarities in shape with a pacifier, which ensures recognition for your child. The frozen goodies in the fruit feeder again provide cooling, all over the mouth. This can be useful when several teeth come through at the same time.


Tip 5: Teether with different textures

In tip 2 we already talked about silicone teething rings, which are very useful in providing cooling. But a teething ring made from more diverse materials can also be useful. Consider, for example, our own teething ring Theo: it consists of silicone and beech wood. Because the wood and silicone have a different texture, they provide different pressure on the gums during sucking. Your child can test himself and choose what relieves the pain the most at that moment.

Do you want to try this tip? Our teething ring Theo is perfect for this! Shop it here .

Nothing helps, now what?

Have you tried all the tips and the pain is still not better? Unfortunately that is possible. Take time to plan a visit to your doctor, because there are also medicines that help with the pain. Hopefully you will find a good solution!


Did any of these tips help you? That's good to hear! Feel free to share this article with your friends, family or social media followers. And be sure to let us know which tip helped you and your child the most!


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